Saturday Night Fever

On Sunday they announced the cast of “Saturday Night Fever”, including yours truly. I’ll be playing the role of Frank Jnr, Tony’s ( played by Euan Doidge ) older brother. Rehearsals kick off on February 18th up in Sydney and you can see the show at the Sydney Lyric theatre. Produced by GFO ( Gordon Frost Organisation), with a star studded cast including, Marcia Hines, Paulini, Timoatic, Natalie Conway, Nana Matapule, Bobby Fox, Ryan Morgan and the gorgeousness that is Angelique Cassimatis just to name a few.
It’s ironic that as soon as I settle in Melbourne I’m cast in a show in Sydney but I’m thrilled to be back in Sydney doing what I love and to be closer to family and friends. So see you soon Sydney and I hope to see you all there.